What plants are better to sow and plant in May
In May, most summer residents begin actively sowing and plant different plants on your plot. But, as practice shows, many make mistakes or are in a hurry during the boarding process. Therefore, it is worth figuring out which plants are better to sow in May.
White cabbage
White cabbage can be planted directly in the soil. After planting, it is necessary to immediately water the soil with warm water.
Some recommend using mulch, but there are features that every summer resident should consider.
It is important to remember a key fact: cabbage loves water. From the first days, you cannot allow the land to dry out, otherwise you can forget about a good harvest. Special attention should also be paid to pests that can cause irreparable damage to young cabbage.
Green crops
This can include:
- Lettuce
- Parsley
- Dill and much more.
There are basic tips: in order for the seeds to strengthen well, they should be held before planting in water for 3 days. Planting should be carried out according to the instructions, since there are different varieties and peculiarities of cultivation.
Seed onion
Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seedlings for 12 hours in warm water. Landing should be carried out when the temperature rises above 10 degrees. The soil should be moist and loose.
Carrots should be planted in the first half of May.
Of course, there are varieties that can be planted in the soil in advance and even in the summer to harvest at the end of the season. When planting carrots, it is important to remember about crop rotation.
It is ideal if the following grew in this area last year:
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Garlic
- Dill
- Potatoes
- Cabbage
In no case should you plant carrots after parsley, because it can leave unfavorable pests in the soil that are invisible.
Beets do not require special care The main thing is a lit area with fertile and loose soil. Experts recommend soaking the seeds in warm water for 12 hours before planting.
When planting, you should remember the distance between crops, it should be 10 cm, depth up to 3 centimeters.
Hot garlic
This crop should be planted when the soil has warmed up to 12 degrees. Wild garlic grows well on loamy soil. After planting, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers to accelerate growth.
Also, experts advise to pour a solution of salt on the beds before planting, its proportions: 3 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water. It is believed that such watering will protect the hot garlic from many pests.
Turnip is one of the most demanding crops. Turnip can grow on many soils, does not require fertilizers. Seeds should be planted at a depth of 1-2 centimeters. After planting, it is important to sprinkle the soil a little and tamp it down a little.
Radish can be planted on the site earlier than May. The culture should be planted in sunny areas, protected from the wind.
Before planting, the seeds must be soaked. The first steps should appear if the temperature does not drop below 18 degrees.
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