What plants love lime: what should be planted in the area where such soil
lime soil is different from other species in its appearance. The earth looks crumbly and on it noticeable pebbles of different sizes. Due to the large number of carbonates in the composition, this soil has a dirty gray tint. Its features include the following moments:
1. To give the Earth the form will not work, since it will fall apart.3.The porous structure of the Earth is easily processed.
4. The ground is mainly made up of small particles. Plants that grow here often suffer from chlorosis. As a result, the leaves can turn yellow.Some plants are able to grow on lime soils. These include berry shrubs and fruit trees. This soil is most favorably affected by the growth of the following trees and shrubs:
- sea buckthorn;
- hawt; oats or legumes. Gardeners will be able to grow clematis, lilies or lavender on this soil. Soil can be considered favorable for growing some varieties of grapes. The ground contains a lot of sand and rubble that act as drainage.
However, lime soil is a real problem for summer residents. This is due to the fact that a good harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes will not be harvested. To achieve a good crop on lime soil, you need to make a lot of effort and use different fertilizers.1. Before preparation for winter it is necessary to dig a plot together with horse manure. You can add some straw.
2. Some gardeners add herbal compost to the soil, which allows to improve the composition and fertility. These are really unique plants that can saturate the soil with nitrogen. The best siderates include mustard and barley.
5. Do not forget about mulching. Dry leaves, grass or straw can be used as mulch.
these care measures are necessary. If you take measures timely, you can harvest a good crop even on lime soil. In this case, you need to do liming. In order not to harm the site, this procedure should be performed not more than once every 5 years. The best method is lining in small portions.
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