What plants on the site are considered a “breeding ground” for aphids?
One of the most common pests on the plot is aphids. They are incalculable and, despite their size, cause enormous damage to the farm. Oddly enough, in some cases, summer residents themselves invite this pest to settle in their garden. Let's talk about it. Aphids will definitely appear after you dare to plant these three plants on your plot.
Black elderberry
The berries of this plant are used more often in folk medicine and then in some cases. Elderberry blooms in beautiful clusters.
Rarely do gardeners plant this plant – mostly these are wild bushes. And it is from the elderberry that an aphid invasion can begin.
In this case, spraying the tree is useless and most often the elderberry is mercilessly cut down.
The next place where aphids will move, if the elderberry is destroyed, will be the rose. It is unlikely that anyone would dare to cut down an entire bush to combat a pest.
But the problem is that the pest does not choose between varieties and often settles on the tops of young shoots near the buds.
That is why it is so important to treat the rose garden.
Viburnum berries are good for the body, but it makes sense to look for a safer alternative. The fact is that aphids not only feed on the juices of this bush, they also overwinter on viburnum.
Therefore, the real nursery of aphids and their offspring is viburnum, and if vegetable and fruit crops grow next to it, especially tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and umbrella plants, then aphids will 100% settle in the garden.
If there is nowhere without viburnum, then it makes sense to transplant it outside the garden.
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