What plants should not be grown nearby?
Many plants look perfect next to each other and have almost the same requirements for growing conditions. Such crops can grow normally and not “annoy” others. However, some plants categorically cannot be planted next to each other, they do not get along well with each other.
These plants should not be grown next to each other
Plants of the same height will definitely not “be friends” in the same garden bed or flowerbed. Representatives of the same family will not like the neighborhood. Umbrella plants will quickly “quarrel” with each other. And everyone, without exception, will be oppressed by fennel and wormwood.
Pairs of plants that will be good next to each other
- Carrots and onions. They protect each other from carrot and onion flies.
- Cabbage and celery. They are more resistant to many pests and diseases.
- Cucumbers and dill. These plants can be grown together without any problems.
- Basil and tomatoes will take care of each other.
- Kohlrabi and lettuce coexist well in the same row.
- Cucumbers that weave through corn feel great and bear fruit until the cold.
- Beans will make good “friends” with cucumbers and tomatoes.
- Radishes should be sown where zucchini and other late vegetables will later be planted.
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