What prevents you from arranging your personal life – signs for unmarried girls
In order not to accidentally drive away worthy gentlemen and not postpone a happy marriage for later, try to follow folk signs and beliefs – then everything will definitely work out for you. What exactly is stopping you from getting the cherished ring and changing your life for the better?
Clothing and accessories
You can’t put on someone else’s wedding outfit and look in the mirror. Even the bride is not recommended to see her reflection in “full outfit” for the ceremony, otherwise it can scare away happiness and bring misfortune and discord to the young family. If there is such a need, then the girl should first take off something from the wardrobe, and only then approach the mirror. Or you can ask your friends to check if everything is in order with your wedding outfit.
And in general, you should not try on a wedding dress or veil before receiving a marriage proposal. If you simply succumbed to your friend's persuasion to try on her outfit, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend the next few years alone. It is also not recommended to alter someone else's wedding dress into an evening dress for yourself, otherwise you will attract someone else's family life without ever experiencing your own personal happiness. But if you receive shoes as a gift, on the contrary, you will be lucky to get married soon.
You can’t wear a ring on your ring finger. It is believed that if a young woman wears jewelry on “that same finger,” she will remain a virgin, delaying the moment of meeting her betrothed. For the same reason, it is not recommended for unmarried women to combine silver and gold jewelry in one look. Otherwise, their personal lives will be complicated and there will be no room for a happy marriage. Despite the fact that famous designers assure that there is nothing wrong with wearing gold and silver at the same time, it is still better not to tempt fate and make a choice in favor of one metal.
Beauty signs
You should not preen or do your hair in the presence of men. Our ancestors believed that everything related to a woman should be shrouded in mystery, including daily beauty rituals. Moreover, if you interpret this sign in a modern way, then there is still logic in it. You should not reveal all your secrets to men and even more so show them what efforts you make to always look spectacular and attractive.
You should not cut your hair and nails after sunset. It is believed that in this way you block the access of love to your life. Another sign related to hair – on the Annunciation, unmarried women should not braid their braids or wear headgear made of scarves and shawls, tying them in a knot. Otherwise, your happiness will be hindered by some obstacles or envious people.
Household Signs
If you don't want to inadvertently give someone else's happiness, then make it a rule not to give or take anything across the threshold – either go into the house, or go out onto the landing and do all the necessary manipulations there.
You should not stand on the threshold waiting for someone. It is believed that single young people (this applies to both girls and boys) should not stand on the threshold waiting for someone or something. Even if you are asked to come in for a moment while some issue is being resolved, ask permission to go to the kitchen or into the room. Otherwise, you will not be able to meet your soulmate so soon.
It is not recommended to invite male guests to an untidy house. This sign is partly due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex choose economic and caring ladies as their wives. Therefore, you should not show your bad character and demonstrate sloppiness or laziness.
You can't sweep garbage from the window to the threshold. Otherwise, according to popular beliefs, you can sweep happiness, luck and prosperity out of your house with your own hands. And matchmakers won't appear on your doorstep for a long time.
You shouldn't walk on a damp (not dried) floor while cleaning. Otherwise, your personal life will not work out properly, and your soulmate will not meet you on your way in the near future.
You can't sit on the windowsill. Such a habit can cost a young person a happy marriage. Therefore, if you want to change your marital status soon, stop using the windowsill for this purpose.
You shouldn't sit in the corner at the dining table. The same applies to seating at the dining table. In order not to remain an old maid, try not to sit in the corner and not be too noisy during meals.
You shouldn't sweep crumbs off the table with your bare hand (with paper). In order not to bring trouble to your home, the table (and other uncovered surfaces) should be wiped only with a special cloth (in no case do not sweep dust or dirt with your hand).
You don't need to choose violets or oleander as indoor plants. Better take a closer look at peonies – it is believed that these flowers help girls find the one with whom they will definitely be happy.
The younger sister should not get married before the older one. According to popular belief, the youngest of the sisters should not plan her wedding ceremony until the older one has said the cherished “yes”. Otherwise, there is a chance that she will spend her whole life alone.
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