What problems arise in the body due to a lack of fat

“A body fat percentage below five percent is considered a red flag for poor health, even in elite athletes,” says Georgie Fear, MD. “Bodybuilders typically drop below five percent in competition, but don't stay there in the off-season.” This is because fat deposits are an integral part of the body. Without enough fat in the body, everything goes awry. Here are 15 reasons why you shouldn't drop your body fat percentage too much.

1. There is a tendency to serious heart problems

An extremely low body fat percentage can affect the ability of the cardiovascular system to function normally. For example, in one study, when bodybuilders prepared for a competition by reducing the percentage of body fat, their heart rate dropped to 27 beats per minute. A heart rate that is too low, caused by bradycardia, can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness, and cardiac arrest. Other electrolyte imbalances from too low a body fat percentage, not to mention calorie intake, can lead to “cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.

2. Energy levels drop dramatically

When you are exhausted, you have no reserve energy and the body cannot work at an optimal level because it lacks strength. What's more, low body fat is also associated with a slower heart rate and lower thyroid hormone production, which can further contribute to fatigue.

3. You start to feel cold

Is it cold here or do you think so? Fat helps the body maintain temperature, and also provides insulation for organs. People with very low body fat may constantly complain that they are cold. Thyroid dysfunctions, which can also occur in guys with too low a body fat percentage, can also lower your internal thermostat.

4. Exercise sucks

After about 20 minutes of exercise, the carbohydrate content in your muscles begins to drop significantly and your body begins to use fat as an energy source. If you are very low in body fat, your athletic performance will suffer significantly.

5. Muscles do not recover after exercise

Even if you can train well, it will be difficult for you to achieve remarkable results. This is because when the percentage of fat in the body is very low, the level of glycogen – stored carbohydrates in the muscles and liver – also decreases. This glycogen is vital for the recovery of the body after training.

6. Constant hunger

The more chicken breast, broccoli and air you eat, the tastier the pizza tastes. Dieting with low body fat reduces circulating levels of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells. Leptin receptors in the hypothalamus feel a drop and increase appetite, so you are always hungry.

7. Testosterone level decreases

Low leptin can mean even lower testosterone. Through a chain of signals in the brain's hypothalamus and pituitary gland, low leptin tells your testicles to produce less testosterone. For example, in the study of bodybuilders mentioned above, the average testosterone level in men dropped from 9.22 to 2.27 nanograms per milliliter during competition preparation.

8. Muscles get weaker

Due to poor training, poor muscle recovery, and ultra-low testosterone levels, it is virtually impossible for guys with too low a body fat percentage to gain muscle. In the same study, bodybuilders actually lost strength and muscle mass in the months leading up to the competition. It took more than six months to restore the muscles.

9. Sperm count drops … and everything else

Leptin and testosterone levels that are too low can lead to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, or secondary hypogonadism, in which the reproductive system literally shuts down. Your body is getting a signal that it is time to survive, not time to reproduce. Sperm production is significantly reduced. Erection problems also arise.

10. You often get sick

Extremely low body fat is associated with higher levels of cortisol, which suppresses the immune system and increases the risk of bacterial infection or catching a cold or flu virus.

11. Bones become brittle

When your body fat percentage and weight drop too low, you prevent your body from properly absorbing and using calcium and vitamin D. Athletes who participate in weight-class sports seeking extreme weight loss have lower bone density, in some cases even diagnosed with osteoporosis.

12. You have no life

“Achieving very low body fat requires lifestyle changes that most men are unwilling to make. Avoiding alcohol, cooking all of your own meals and never eating out, and strictly tracking every gram of food, all add up to more than a full-time job, even without a paycheck.

13. Always in a bad mood

If the social isolation and all-consuming calorie counting that comes with maintaining a low body fat percentage doesn't annoy you, low fat in your brain probably will. Fats are important for neurological function. Low levels of the essential fatty acids your brain needs so much can lead to irritability and sudden mood swings.

14. Suffering from brain fog

Low levels of essential fatty acids in the brain can also lead to problems concentrating and mental fatigue. Meanwhile, low energy levels generally don't help you perform better at office work.

15. Sick skin

Fats in the diet and in the body are important for skin health. Moreover, since people who are trying to look very slim often do not eat a lot of water-storing carbohydrates, dehydration is common for them. When you're dehydrated, your body sucks water from your skin, redirecting it to your vital organs. The skin becomes dry and covered with spots.

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Author: alex

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