What problems with houseplants can be avoided by putting garlic in a pot?
Many people know about the benefits of garlic for the human body, but few people guess that it can also be useful for plants. Garlic and preparations based on this vegetable have antifungal and antimicrobial effects.
Therefore, for the flowers that you grow on your windowsill, garlic can be an excellent tool in the fight against pests. Moreover, it is able to prevent their appearance.
In addition, thanks to the vegetable, the immunity of indoor plants is strengthened.
After all, garlic cloves will help you easily disinfect the soil in a pot.
To test the beneficial properties of garlic in practice, cut a clove of garlic into several pieces. Thanks to this action, you can be sure that the vegetable will not sprout.
Then place several pieces in the soil. Repeat the procedure in two months.
To cure a plant affected by thrips, whitefly, aphids and worms, use a garlic solution.
To prepare it, chop 75 g of garlic and pour 10 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. The solution can be used after it cools down.
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