What product will make cutlets tastier?
Not all housewives have delicious cutlets. It turns out that it's all about the ingredients. If you change just one ingredient during the cooking process, the result will amaze you. The cutlets will be fantastically delicious.
How to make delicious cutlets if you don't have a piece of white bread
If you decide to make cutlets, but there are no bread crumbs in the house, then don't rush to put the minced meat back in the freezer.
Try experimenting and using rye bread instead of a roll. It also needs to be soaked in milk, and then added to the minced meat for the cutlets. You won’t believe it, but the dish will be transformed, the cutlets will become much juicier, more magnificent and softer.
Cutlets with the addition of rye bread are similar to the cutlets that were previously prepared in school canteens. Rye bread does not have to be soaked in milk, water will also do – it will turn out even tastier.
Especially tasty cutlets will turn out if you use rye bread and minced beef.
The cutlets will become much more elastic and tender if you replace the fat with cream during their cooking and add a piece of softened butter.
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