What products are optimally combined?

Sometimes some substances from food are absorbed only in combination with ingredients with others products. Experts have called a combination of products that together become more useful for health. Indeed, fat contributes to the absorption of beta-carotene from the composition of carrots, which is transformed by the body into antioxidant Vitamin A. Many vitamins in vegetables are fat -soluble, that is, it is easier to digest the body in a company with fat molecules. Experts advise eating vegetables with oils – for example, olive, pumpkin or flax. In addition, the meat goes well with the non -starchy and green vegetables that activate digestion and neutralize harmful cholesterol. Fish, in turn, combined with lemon: lemon juice in this case can replace spices, and vitamin C contained in it promotes the absorption of iron salts. vegetables. Vegetables are also optimally combined with each other, but are also well absorbed in combination with proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

greens are combined with all products.

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Author: alex

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