What products can replace baking powder for baking?
If you started kneading the dough and at the end discovered that the baking powder package was empty on the shelf, don't rush to throw what you started. You can replace a purchased component, which is mandatory for almost all baking, with simple products that you probably have in abundance.
The simplest method, which was used 50 years ago, is ordinary baking soda.
It can be added to dough based on fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, or yogurt).
Soda slaked with vinegar
This option is suitable for any type of dough.
Add a little vinegar to the baking powder, which should be held in a spoon over the dough, and mix well before adding it to the other ingredients.
Carbonated water
A wonderful buttery dough can be made based on carbonated water. By the way, you can enhance the effect of a carbonated drink by adding a pinch of salt with citric acid to it.
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