What products can replace salt when cooking different dishes

Salt seems to be the main ingredient in cooking, without which it is impossible to prepare food of decent quality. After all, it is added to give flavor to all first dishes. However, for various reasons, many people refuse to consume it.

The main reason is that excessive consumption of it can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and swelling.


Replacing salt will not be too difficult.

What products will help with this

Lemon juice

If you are preparing soups, salads or other dishes, lemon juice can be a complete substitute for salt. Citrus fruits have a bright sour taste, due to which no one will notice the lack of salt.

Many people find such food tasty and original.


< p>You can find dried seaweed in the health food section of many stores. They are quite salty by themselves, but instead of harming the body, they bring benefits.

They must be crushed with a mortar and added when cooking.


Spices, of course, by themselves will not be able to turn a fresh dish into a salty one, but due to the bright aroma and nuance of taste, they will make the food more interesting.

As a rule, cooks recommend adding greens to recipes, oregano, peppercorns, bay leaf, turmeric.

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Author: alex

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