What should be changed in nutrition after 30 years

Age is a good reminder that that you need to pay more attention to taking care of your body. After 30 years, the physical development of the human body stops completely. Although today this age is considered quite young, aging is inevitable. Therefore, you should seriously think about your health now.

Unfortunately, humans cannot control the aging process, but we can make positive lifestyle changes, such as by improving sleep, reducing stress, and changing our diet. The listed factors play a significant role in preventing chronic diseases and even increasing life expectancy.

In order for the body to continue to be healthy, it is necessary to eat the right foods. We've selected the most effective and healthy eating habits you can start today, and the ones it's time to ditch.

Eat more fiber

Eating plenty of fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and colorectal cancer. Try to eat at least 8-10 g of this healthy carbohydrate per meal. For example, one bowl of oatmeal contains about 4 g of fiber on average. You just need to add fruits to it, for example: apples, bananas, kiwi or pears.

What should be changed in nutrition after 30 years

Include omega-3 fats in your diet

They improve mood, cognitive functions, and also have a positive effect on the brain and slow down the rate of aging. Look for omega-3s in salmon, walnuts, flax and chia seeds.

Stop dieting

After 30 years, growth stops, and the metabolic rate drops sharply, which leads to an increase in adipose tissue. In this case, the only way out can be proper nutrition and sports. And diets can only lead to rapid weight loss followed by even more weight gain.

Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol is a source of “empty” calories. , which do not contain nutrients, frequent consumption of which can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, and even liver disease.

Start your day with breakfast

What is worth change in nutrition after 30 years

Many are used to skipping a full morning meal, limiting themselves to one coffee. This often leads to strong cravings for sweets and overeating at the end of the day. Make it a habit to start your day with a hearty breakfast full of protein, fiber and healthy fats. Such a meal will give you the energy you need throughout the day, and will also help maintain a stable blood sugar level.

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Author: alex

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