What should be done with greenhouses in autumn to properly end the season
In autumn, summer residents face serious work. They need to finish the greenhouse season right. This means that a number of care procedures must be carried out. They consist of several stages.
In the greenhouse, you need to remove all plant residues. They no longer make any sense, the harvest is harvested, and there may be many pests and diseases on them.
Sow siderata on empty beds. Mustard is mostly used for the greenhouse. It has the ability to disinfect the soil, and this is a necessary procedure in the fall. When the greens grow by 10-15 cm, they need to be dug up with the earth.
Together with digging up the siderates, apply superphosphate and potassium sulfate at 30 g per sq.m., and also organic fertilizers in the amount of 5-7 liters per sq.m.
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For greenhouses that are very sick, it is necessary to carry out a treatment procedure with boiling water. Fill the beds with it and cover with a film for several days.
Wash the walls of the greenhouse with a soapy solution. But after that, put a checker for disinfection, but not sulfur.
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