What should be sprinkled under strawberries during flowering

The period immediately after the beginning strawberry blossom, very important. At this time, the summer resident has every chance to ensure a huge harvest of juicy berries. For this, it is necessary to carry out one simple action.

But if the gardener misses this opportunity, then the strawberry bushes will not produce as many fruits as desired. But what exactly does a gardener need to do so that strawberries do not disappoint with a low yield.

Preliminary actions

As soon as the first flowers appear, it is advisable for the gardener to remove those leaf plates that have begun to wither .

Further weeding should be carried out in the bed on which the berry bush grows. In addition, this should be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

The main trick

It is necessary to provide the plant with important compounds and elements.

For this, not it is necessary to use complex chemical preparations. It is better to use such a simple fertilizer as ash.

It is the unburnt wood residues that should be scattered around the plant.

It will not be superfluous to feed strawberries with an infusion made on the basis of mowed grass. This remedy is easy to make: you need to pour clean liquid over the plant mass (the volume of water should be 8 times greater than the volume of greens).

Each bush should receive approximately one liter of the resulting mixture.

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Author: alex

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