What should be the ideal portion size to lose weight?
In the desire to lose weight and keep yourself in shape, an important role is played not only by what you eat, but also by how much. This indicator differs depending on individual characteristics: age, physical activity and hormonal background. 20-year-olds can easily get away with something that will be difficult to correct in 30-40 years.
Very often, people believe that the problem is the size of the portion and think that if you control only this indicator, then success is guaranteed. At the same time, many people forget that the quality of food is of primary importance. The chances of overeating are multiplied when you eat out or choose highly processed foods. With this approach to nutrition, you will get tired quickly, and in addition, you will hardly find the strength for full-fledged training. There is a great chance to slow down the metabolism.
That is why it is important to choose a balanced food rich in fiber – in this case, even portion size control will eventually become an intuitive process. Instead of constantly following the rules and fears, it is better to make a mistake and change the approach to nutrition.
Follow these simple steps on the way to the ideal:
- Within the first hour after waking up, be sure to eat breakfast, and after that, eat no earlier than 4-5 hours.
- Carefully monitor that the portion size is always the same
Combine macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and ideally – 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 20% proteins - At each meal, do not forget about vegetables and fruits
- Drink about two liters of water a day
- Get used to these simple tips – and then changing the portion sizes will happen almost by itself.
Another tip – start using smaller plates than usual. Surprisingly, it works even purely psychologically.
If you eat vegetables or salad, then the size of such a portion is half the plate. Proteins should take up a quarter of the plate, and this category includes meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, and starchy vegetables also make up a quarter of the plate. And it is recommended that foods with a high fat content should be taken no more than half a tablespoon – this category includes cheese and oil.
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