What should be the order of laying out the products in herring under a fur coat?
Herring under a fur coat is a very popular dish, as it turns out to be hearty and tasty. Since inexpensive ingredients are used, the final cost of the salad will not be high. Any cook has their own understanding of the correctness of the process of preparing herring under a fur coat. However, the correct arrangement of layers plays an important role.
How to best make a salad
Most often, housewives first spread chopped fish on a dish and cover it with onions. This is, in principle, correct. However, the salad turns out not as tasty as it could be.
Therefore, it is recommended to first lay out a layer of boiled potatoes. With this approach, the fish will really have a vegetable “coat” on both sides.
In addition, the juice from the herring will not remain on the plate, but will soak the root vegetable.
If you want the salad to be more original and tasty, it is recommended to lay out pickled onions as the third layer.
After that, you can lay out the other components in the usual order.
This sequence of actions allows you to prepare a tastier and more original salad from familiar products.
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