What should not be fed to raspberries: fertilizers that have a depressing effect on the plant

Growing raspberries, summer residents dream of obtaining a large number of berries. However, the fruits often turn out to be small and not the most tasty.

Moreover, this can happen despite regular watering and timely fertilization.


Why does the owner get meager and poor-quality harvest, despite the seemingly correct care of the plant?

There is one mistake that is often made when growing raspberries.

Dangerous fertilizers for raspberries


It turns out that not all summer residents are aware that raspberries cannot be fed with fertilizers that contain chlorine.

This trace element has a negative effect on the condition of raspberry bushes.


There is an increasing risk that the culture will encounter a very dangerous disease – chlorosis.

Do you not want to lose your raspberry harvest? Do not apply fertilizers with chlorine to the soil under the plant!

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Author: alex

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