What the Post Square in Kyiv looked like in the 19th century: interesting archival photos
The Post Square has always been a place where the paths of history and culture intertwined. In the 19th century, this square, located on the bank of the Dnieper, witnessed significant changes. However, some archival footage shows what Post Office Square looked like before these dynamic changes.
In particular, this photo dates back to 1860. A post was left with the photo, saying that this is what Post Square looked like in its almost original form. If you compare this shot with modern photos, you can't even recognize the square.
For Ukrainians and guests the capital's Post Square is one of the city's hallmarks. This is one of the oldest squares in Kyiv. Archaeological excavations confirmed that trade settlements existed at this place as early as the 4th century.
It is interesting to note that it was here that correspondence was processed and post horses were changed. Only the main building of the post office, where work was carried out in 1850-1860, has been preserved to this day. In the shot, Post Office Square looks somewhat “empty” when compared to modern shots.
The next shot is Post Office Square in 1890. You can see how during these 30 years (from 1860 to 1890) Post Square was somewhat built up. In addition, the photo captured the bank of the Dnieper, crowded with boats, in the depth of the frame you can see local residents.
In a few years, namely in 1892, trams began to crash here. In particular, it will be the first tram that operated without changes until 1977. However, before such transformations, residents observed and strolled through a completely different Post Square, the urban development of which was just beginning.
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