What time of day is it better to collect strawberries to keep it stored for longer

Experienced gardeners collect strawberries at different times of the day not at all because they try to show a sign of the great mind. As you know, each variety of berries has its own peculiarities. The berries grow differently, cut differently. Therefore, you need to harvest at different times. But if you want to keep the whole harvest and have time to process it before the berries start to deteriorate, follow these simple rules:

  1. berries that can be processed immediately, it is better to collect in the evening – they will ripen and will sweeter.
  2. If you want to extend the shelf life of the crop, it is better to collect the berries in the morning, but after dew comes and dried strawberries. Berries with leaves and tails are stored better and longer, and thanks to pruning it will not be remembered. It may appear on a mold that will spread to adjacent fruits. And instead of bulky buckets use small trays in which to place no more than three layers of berries.

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Author: alex

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