What to add to ashes for more efficient “nutrition” plants

for example, regular shattering of ash leaves helps to get rid of cruciferous flea and Colorado potato beetle. This is the only natural source of potassium for those who adhere to organic farming.

Ashes can be applied in dry form for digging in the spring or added to the wells when planting. During the season, it is more convenient to carry out ash solutions.

there are various recipes for cooking solutions. It is better to leave this solution overnight or for several days.Many of the elements in the ashes are in the form available for plant absorption. But there is an easy way to increase their absorption, especially calcium contained in ashes in large quantities.

how to increase the efficiency of ash feeding

to increase the efficiency of ash nutrition, should be extinguished by acid. This gives two advantages. After adding acid, the alkaline reaction is neutralized.

How to repay the ashes

in ten liters of water, dilute a glass of ash and a glass of table vinegar. Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid dissolved in water. The released concentrate is diluted in water and introduced under plants. The dosage depends on the need for a particular plant in potassium, calcium and phosphorus. If you are planned for acidic plants, such as blueberry, rhododendron or azalea, you can extinguish the ash for batteries (sulfuric acid) or phosphoric acid. Its content is so small that it will not cause any harm. In addition, the acidity increases as a result of natural soil processes when acids are not absorbed but accumulated in the soil.

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Author: alex

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