What to add to chicken cutlets for taste and “juiciness”

in chicken cutlets there are several advantages, because they are considered useful and dietary . However, when cooking from the poultry fillet, an unpleasant situation may occur – the dish will be dry. If you use a tested recipe for chicken cutlets, the result will not be disappointed. l>

  • 3 tablespoons of corn starch and sour cream at least 20 %;
  • 2 slices of garlic;
  • one bulb;
  • semolina for breading;
  • salt, spices and greens at your discretion. Then we pass the garlic through the press and enter it into the stuffing. The onion should be chopped and sent to other components. If you want to achieve a more homogeneous texture, it is best to pass the vegetable through the meat grinder.

    introduce chicken eggs, sour cream. Salt and add spices with greens, mix. in semolina and fry on a heated pan with butter until fully cooked.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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