What to add to minced meat instead of eggs

It may seem that chicken eggs are an indispensable product and you can't even fry a cutlet without them.


Yes, eggs make the minced meat uniform, stick it together, and help the cutlets keep their shape. But an overdose of egg white leads to the cutlets being dense and tough. Let's talk about how to replace chicken eggs in minced meat for cutlets.

  1. Grated potatoes mixed with breadcrumbs can successfully replace eggs. Any vegetable puree for baby food has a similar effect;
  2. If you are too lazy to mess with potatoes, take starch right away – corn or potato, but then you need to roll the meatballs in breadcrumbs
  3. Ready-made mashed potatoes can stick together the minced meat for cutlets no worse than a chicken egg, but you should not add oil to it;
  4. Instead of eggs, you can use boiled round rice, which is better cooked and also sticks together better
  5. Steamed oatmeal can also take on this task. But you should not take large flakes – they will steam for a long time.

And finally, semolina has proven itself excellently in this regard, but in each of these cases it is necessary to observe the proportions.

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Author: alex

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