What to add to the dough for lush: secrets from a professional baker


one familiar bakery and a bakery and a bakery. The obvious rules of lush dough, which we often forget about. But they are so important!

Remember or save! And your pies and pies will always be the most delicate, airy and light with these tips. Flour for pancakes, pies and other baking should be fresh grinding, cream color and no lumps.

Why sow? After a sieve, foreign impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with oxygen. Baking will be lush and the yeast dough is better suited, and the dough for pancakes will be more homogeneous. But this is not true.For example, diluted starch in yeast dough is a guarantee that your pies and buns will be lush and soft. They will not lose these properties and the next day.

3. The right liquid

If we talk about yeast pies, then there are a little bit about liquids. Milk is rarely used. Do this for many reasons. One of them is cost savings. And the crust in such baking looks more appetizing, shiny and beautiful.

What else can be used instead of milk or water? For example, pour 0.5 glasses of mineral water, into milk or warm plain water. Or dilute 1 tsp. soda, which is extinguished by citric acid or vinegar, in half a glass of water. Baking becomes twice as lush.

Italians use liquid for their bread after cooking paste (pasta). Some housewives have long adapted to knead the yeast dough on potato broth. The starch effect of such fluid works great!

It is important for yeast dough to remember that all the liquid should be 30-35 degrees. At the temperature below the yeast lose their activity, and when the temperature above the yeast is killed. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Shho-Dodati-V-Tysto-Dlja-Pishnosti-Sekreti-Vid-Vid-Profesijnogo-Pekarja-Dad55E2.jpg” Alt = ” />

4.The temperature regime

There are many variants of yeast dough in the refrigerator. Some are quite successful and used in the bakery industry. But our familiar baker is still sure that all dough products should be at room temperature.At home, we use simple flour and yeast, without additional additives-horses, here, here from the refrigerator to the dough, nothing can be added to the dough, since the lifting of the dough is slowed down, which can spoil any baking. In yeast and fresh or pastry, butter is injected in a soft, unheated state!

liquid butter worsens the dough structure itself. Softened oil, should be administered at the very end of the kneading of the dough or when it is bypassed. It improves fermentation.

Vegetable oil should be taken with odorless and no more than 3 tbsp. l. for any amount of flour and water. How to use eggs

bread dough is prepared without eggs. But adding chicken eggs will make any dough beautiful and delicious. We have been taught by moms and grandmothers from childhood, with yolks, pies or cakes. However not everything is so unambiguous.

Some bakeries have an unspoken rule that egg yolks work better than proteins. Ready baking will be more tender and crumbly if only yolks are only egg yolks.

and the protein is sometimes used to lubricate baking. And it will blush no worse than the yolk!

7. Sugar

What do we like baking? For a pronounced sweet taste, even in pancake or cabbage pancake. Because too sweet the dough will quickly blush and begin to burn. Or the finished product falls after baking.

8. Yeast

Which one to choose? Dry and fast or fresh alive?

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Author: alex

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