What to add to the dough on a pancake to easily overrun


If your pancakes are still sticking to the pan, then check if you add everything to the dough. Tone pancakes will turn instantly if you do not forget about one ingredient at the end.


to prepare a portion, which is 30 pieces, you need to take:

6 eggs
2 tbsp. Sugar
Salt Salt
500 ml of milk
300 g flour
1 tbsp Lemon peel (one citrus is enough)
200 ml of boiling water
1 tbsp. Oils

should be classic eggs with a pinch of salt. Remember that every dough, even sweet, should be added salt. Then pour in the sifted flour, preferably in parts so that the mass is homogeneous.

At the end add boiling water and 1 tbsp. Oils in the dough, it is to the dough, not to the pan, if you want pancakes that turn quickly and easily.

pancakes come out gentle, soft, thin with a pronounced lemon taste.

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Author: alex

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