What to cook from zucchini for dinner: “stuffed shuttles”

zucchini dishes are very different. Prepare zucchini soups, pancakes, rolls, casseroles and even jam. We suggest you try one of the options that is perfect for dinner. The dish is not only delicious but also good, so you can even offer to the holiday table. 3 pcs (6 portions “boats”)
Chicken fillet – 150 g Greens – if desired

how do we cook? Remove the soft base from each half with a teaspoon.

2. Finish the zucchini boats or grease with soy sauce a little.

3. Finely chop the soft part of the zucchini, add the chicken, tomato and salt-peculiar to taste-mix everything in a bowl. This is a future boat stuffing.

4. Put the zucchini bases on foil or glass for baking.

5. Fill the boats with filling to get even the hat.

6. Sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the oven for 30 minutes (temperature 175 degrees).

You can sprinkle fresh herbs when served.

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Author: alex

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