What to do if the meat is overcooked
There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when preparing meat , to create a delicious dish.
Overcooked meat is, of course, better than undercooked. But the taste of such a product will please few people.
Many people like juicy and aromatic meat, which looks appetizing. Overcooked food upsets cooks, but the situation can be corrected.
Chefs know a simple way to save overcooked meat. This trick restores juiciness to the product.
How to fix the situation
Cut the meat into thin slices and spread them on a plate. Then the pieces are sprinkled with onions and tomatoes, add oil, a little lemon juice and a drop of vinegar. You can also add your favorite seasonings and spices to taste.
The meat should stand for a while. After 5-10 minutes, it will be saturated with juice. Such meat will look and taste better than the original version, so it can be further used to prepare the desired dish.
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