What to do if wine is on a white shirt: this method will help to remove stains from wine and fruit without a trace

Even doctors claim that a glass of red wine benefits our body. Do you relax in a company with friends or do you spend a romantic evening with your beloved and suddenly poured red wine on clothes? Don't worry, this is not the last evening for your outfit.


If you start to remove the stain in a timely manner, it will definitely disappear. If the stain is fresh, first wipe it with a cotton swab that has been pre -moistened in vinegar. To do this, fill the spots of fruit or wine with salt. Salt absorbs excess liquid. After that, the contaminated area is watered with boiling water and handed by hand, using household soap.

If you do not remove the stain immediately, do not be upset, outdated dirt can also be removed, but it will be harder. First, soak contaminated clothes in hot water. This will make the stain earlier. Then rub the dirty place with household soap or washing. Leave for 40-50 minutes and soak again in hot water and rinse with cold. Next you need to wash the clothes in the washing machine or hands. If the stain is not fully released, you need to repeat the removal process again.

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Author: alex

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