What to do if you overeat

We all know that in everything measure is important, follow this simple rule not always – including when it comes to food. Especially when we feel stressed, during long feasts or simply when there is a lot of delicious food around us. And often we find ourselves in a situation where we are already bursting at the seams, and we promise ourselves that we will never eat like that again. We tell you what to do if you overeat so that you remember once and for all.


If it happened that you overeat, don't blame yourself. One excessive meal will not ruin your health. Too much guilt can make you feel deprived and then start overeating again in an unhealthy way. Instead, decide what you will do differently in the future, especially in the next few days.

Take a walk

A light walk will help stimulate digestion and balance your blood sugar. Or go for a bike ride instead. But don't overdo it. A real workout can direct blood to your legs instead of your stomach, which will slow down digestion.

Drink water

Don't drink liters of water until you feel sick. Just drink a glass of water after you eat. This can help your body get rid of excess salt that you may have ingested during your meal. Continue to drink water throughout the rest of the day to maintain your water balance.

Exercise (but not immediately)

After a while, exercise properly: go for a run or strength training, play basketball. It is better to wait at least 3 hours after eating. This will burn some of the extra calories and will also help to speed up the metabolism. In general, regular exercise helps control mood and feelings of hunger, so the likelihood of overeating in the future decreases.

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Author: alex

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