What to do if you run out of oil while frying pancakes

It happens that housewives forget to replenish their supplies, and the products run out at the most inopportune moment. If you have already prepared the pancake batter, taken out the frying pan and are about to start frying, but find that you have run out of oil at home, do not rush to abandon what you have started.

Let's remember how our grandmothers used to cook ruddy pancakes. Instead of oil, they added lard or lard.

How to fry pancakes without oil, in lard

Heat the pan to a high temperature. Cut off a small piece of lard and wipe the hot surface.

This is convenient to do by pricking the lard with a fork – this way you will definitely not burn your fingers.

The thin layer of fat that has formed on the pan is enough to fry one pancake. As soon as you remove the pancake from the pan and get ready to fry the next one, do not forget to grease the pan with lard again.

By the way, if you are cooking cutlets or even pancakes and there is not enough oil, you can try cooking these dishes in the oven. For obvious reasons, this life hack will not work with pancakes.

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Author: alex

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