What to do in July with potatoes to increase the yield by a third


that prevails in the middle of summer, potato plantings actively bloom and develop, and early varieties Prepare for ripening. Only a few gardeners know that for this reason, July is a great time to increase the yield by about 40%. Therefore, during the second summer month, take the removal of flowers. This simple will allow to collect about 15% more potatoes than could be obtained if the plant spent flowering and seed tie.

  • Do not miss the moment to add a leaf. The optimal time for this operation is the first two weeks after flowering. Make sure that there is no nitrogen in the fertilizer (its presence is allowed in minimal quantities). For July, drugs such as Crystalon, Agrikola and others will be suitable. For example, phosphate monocalysis requires a spoon of 10 liters of water. To do this, dissolve 2 g of powder in hot water, then add the concentrate to a 10 liter bucket.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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