What to do to keep cabbage color when cooking

Fresh, finely chopped cabbage leaves can serve as an ideal filling for a pie. You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from this healthy green vegetable.


But, despite its taste, cabbage may not look very appetizing: many cooks have encountered the fact that during the cooking process, the tender green cabbage could acquire an unpleasant brown color.

To make the prepared dish pleasing not only to the stomach, but also to the eyes, experienced housewives have long used one proven method.

After the cabbage is chopped, it should be poured with boiling water, and then poured with cold water for a minute.

After such a “shower”, the chopped vegetable should be squeezed and started stewing or frying. Such processing will help preserve the beautiful color of the cabbage.

And so that the cauliflower does not lose its white hue, it is recommended to place it in cold water with the addition of a dash of citric acid or vinegar before cooking.

After that, the vegetable should be cooked in an open container over high heat.

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Author: alex

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