What to do today in order to live in abundance and not lose it: prohibitions and omens of the day
On October 22, believers honor Equal-to-the-Apostles Averkios, bishop of Hierapolis, miracle worker.
In the 2nd century, the bishop of the city of Hierapolis (now Pamukkale in Turkey) was Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Averkius. Once an angel appeared to the bishop and told him to crush the pagan idols – which he did. Angry priests and a crowd of townspeople gathered to kill the bishop for this. Among the crowd were three young men possessed by the devil: they suddenly began to tear their clothes, gnaw their hands, roll on the ground with foam at the mouth and shout: “Averkiy, don't torment us early!” The people were horrified, but the bishop came and read a prayer – the young men became healthy. Amazed by this miracle, the townspeople forgot their anger and began to listen to the bishop's sermon.
The next day he baptized several hundred people. The news about the miracle worker spread throughout the Roman Empire, the rich and the poor came to the bishop with various ailments, and many were baptized. According to the prayers of the saint, healing hot springs began to emerge from the ground near the city. Emperor Marcus Aurelius also learned about the saint – he sent for a bishop to heal his daughter from an unclean spirit. Averkii helped the girl, he did not receive a reward, but the emperor ordered to give out free wheat from the granaries for the poor of Hierapolis. The treaty lasted until it was canceled by Julian the Apostate.
Saint Averky traveled a lot and preached, he is often compared with the Apostle Paul, and the Church honors him as an equal apostle. The saint died in his hometown. Many healings began to take place near his grave.
The holiday of October 22, according to the old style, is the day of memory of the apostle Yakov Alfeyev. Earlier we talked about what can and cannot be done on the church holiday of October 9.
it rained in the morning – it will soon get colder;
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it snowed that day – it will be a good year;
Icicles appeared on the roofs – before the frosty winter.
What not to do
be sad and remember the bad things;
< p>set off on a journey – it will be unsuccessful;
do housework, wash, clean, make repairs, sew, knit;
refuse alms or help the needy – you can lose financial well-being.
You can't complain about loved ones or spouses – this can lead to family discord and separation.
What can be done
On this day, you can go to the church, light a candle or do it at home.
Equal-Apostle Averkiy is prayed for healing from various diseases and admonition in difficult life situations. The Mother of God is considered a female patroness – the Kazan icon of the Mother of God is asked for advice, peace and family well-being, and unmarried girls – a good groom.
The day should be spent in the family circle, relatives and friends should be invited to visit. Traditionally, a large cake is placed on the table on this day.
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