What to do with a multi-trunk thuja if it is splitting apart
Some thujas grow into several trunks with age. As a result, in winter, under the weight of snow and under the influence of excessive moisture, the trunks fall apart. This creates significant problems. The thuja loses its normal appearance, falls apart, and may break.
What to do with thujas
The best way to solve the problem is to tie the trunks. It is not recommended to use rope. It can damage the bark and grow into the trunk. This will damage it.
A gentler method is to use nylon tights, which you don't need. They gently hold the trunks of the thuja and don't cut into them. Even after winter, everything will remain intact.
Experienced gardeners recommend using PVC cambric. Its elasticity will allow you to conveniently fix the trunks. It will stretch as the thuja grows, but will not damage the bark or deform it. Now no snow or rain will be scary even for tall thujas.
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