What to do with poppy seeds before using them in baking

If you are preparing to bake fragrant poppy seed buns or a stunning poppy seed cake, you will need these recommendations.


Black poppy seeds can be purchased both already packaged in individual bags and by weight.

Regardless of this, before adding poppy seeds to baking, they should be thoroughly washed. To do this, pour the grains into a sieve and rinse under running water, after which you must wait until the poppy seeds dry.

However, this is not the main thing, on which the taste of future buns depends. Before preparing any sweet pastries, poppy seeds must be ground. Thanks to this action, the shell of the grains is destroyed, which makes the filling tastier and more aromatic. It is much more convenient to work with such a plastic mass than with grains that crumble. Finally, this step will allow you to increase the volume of the poppy seeds.

In order to grind the seeds, you can use a regular coffee grinder or a simple mortar. Some housewives use a meat grinder to grind poppy seeds.

After that, it can be used for its intended purpose.

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Author: alex

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