What to do with raspberries after picking berries
After fruiting, the bushes need to be prepared for the next season. After all, it is at the end of summer that raspberries lay flower buds for the future harvest.
First of all, you need to remove the shoots. This plant reproduces quickly and conquers new territories. But in dense thickets it will be difficult to find large and sweet berries.
You also need to remove all the shoots that have borne fruit. They will be brown in color, but young shoots are green. You don't have to cut them off completely, just leave a 5-centimeter stump.
The main advantage of this procedure is that after pruning, the raspberry bush will become spacious and light, and it will also improve ventilation. All this will benefit the crop.
In addition, after fruiting, the plant needs additional nutrients, and therefore, fertilizers need to be applied.
It is advisable to pay attention to phosphorus-potassium products during this period. Gardeners note that it is enough to simply scatter and put a glass of wood ash in the soil around the bush.
Don't forget about pest and disease treatment.
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