What to do with unnecessary things so that prosperity reigns in the house: signs of the day

On September 3, the holy hieromartyr Antimus, bishop of Nicodemus is commemorated. He was an outstanding Christian saint and martyr who lived in the 3rd century. He was a bishop in the city of Nicodemus (now Izmit, Turkey) and was noted for his piety, wisdom and zeal in serving God.

His sermons and example of life attracted many people to Christianity. During the great persecution of Christians, which began under the emperor Diocletian (284-305), Antimus remained faithful to his flock, supporting them and strengthening them in the faith. Because of his activities, he attracted the attention of the Roman authorities. The military caught Antimus and brought him to court, where he was brutally tortured in an attempt to force him to renounce Christianity.

He was sentenced to death and executed by beheading.

September 3 is the day of the memory of Saint Theoctistus.

Known as a disciple of Saint Euthymius the Great, with whom he founded the famous monastery in Palestine.

Under the leadership Theoktista Monastery became a place of spiritual asceticism, where the monks followed strict rules and devoted themselves to serving God and others. His wisdom and spiritual authority attracted many people who came to him for advice and spiritual support.

Saint Theoctistus lived a long and pious life, reaching a high level of spiritual perfection. His exploits, prayers and miracles made him one of the most revered saints of his time. He died at a very old age, leaving behind the legacy of a great spiritual mentor and ascetic.


There are many cones on the Christmas trees – to a warm winter.

A foggy day – the field work will go smoothly.

It rained after lunch – the bad weather will last.

What not to do

< p>This day is not at all suitable for matchmaking and weddings. It is believed that a union formed on this day will quickly dissolve.

Also, single girls were forbidden to leave the house after sunset. They believed that an evil force could turn them into an evil witch.

What can be done

On this day, it was customary to clean the house, throw away all unnecessary things in order to to make room for something new.

In order for prosperity to reign in the family, unnecessary things were often burned in the evening together with potato tops.

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Author: alex

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