What to eat if you constantly want sweets

Everyone is familiar with this feeling when you desperately want something sweet. In these moments of weakness, it seems that if the body does not receive a dose of sugar now, then it will be a disaster. This feeling arises from a lack of carbohydrates and certain eating skills of the body, but running for chocolate is absolutely not necessary. Our body “thinks” in other categories: it doesn't matter if you get the necessary substances from a biscuit cake or from a vegetable salad. We tell you what to eat to get rid of cravings for sweets and not harm your figure.

The first reason why you may want sweets is a lack of carbohydrates. Along with fats and proteins, they are necessary for our body to function normally. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, in the process of digestion they turn into glucose, which “fuels” our brain, muscles and improves mood. Carbohydrates are of two types: simple or fast (monosaccharides) and complex or slow (polysaccharides). At the chemical level, they differ in structure: it is clear from the names that the latter are arranged in a more complex way, which means that the body will need more time to convert them into glucose.

What to eat if you constantly want sweets

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Fast carbohydrates (white sugar and sweets containing it) provoke a sharp jump in blood glucose. They instantly provide an influx of energy, but after just an hour there will be a sharp drop in the glucose level, the feeling of hunger will return, fatigue and irritability may appear, and the need for sweets will only increase.

Therefore, the choice should be made. in favor of slow carbohydrates – vegetables and whole grains.

They satisfy the body's need for carbohydrates, but at the same time you do not risk gaining weight.

In addition, an uncontrolled need for sweets can occur due to a deficiency of chromium in the body. This trace element directly affects not only the level of glucose in the blood, but also the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, seafood, eggs, cauliflower and broccoli will help to replenish the lack of chromium.

The last (but one of the most common) reason for the need for sweets is stress. Consumption of sugar stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness – serotonin. It helps to reduce anxiety, helps to calm the nerves and lifts the mood. But sugar is not the only product that increases serotonin levels. Protein food, grain products and potatoes will help you stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness. In addition, cocoa copes well with this task. Prepare yourself a drink from natural cocoa powder and vegetable milk without added sugar – it is a healthy alternative to sweets, which will satisfy the desire to eat dessert and will not harm the figure.

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Author: alex

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