What to put in the closet among clothes to get rid of moths

Moths are pests and enemies of clothing that can destroy your favorite clothes. As they move, moths gnaw through everything in their path: cotton and linen fabrics, synthetics, cardboard and paper. The only thing that clothes moths are afraid of is sunlight, high or low temperatures, and certain odors.

How to get rid of moths in a closet

Moths cannot stand odors that force them to retreat and hastily leave a place that is dangerous for them. There is a simple way to protect your favorite clothes from moths without spending a lot of money.

To do this, you will need cloves, which are ground in a coffee grinder and placed in bags.

Bags are made from nylon products, into which 1 teaspoon of crushed cloves is placed.

The bags are laid out on shelves, in the folds or pockets of clothes. Shoes with natural fur are a breeding ground for moths.

A rolled-up newspaper is inserted inside the boots and shoes and a bag of cloves is placed. This remedy will work all season long.

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Author: alex

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