What to put in the tomato hole when planting so that they “grow like yeast”

In May, summer residents actively plant tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses, not forgetting about fertilizing. Experienced gardeners always put one remedy in the holes, which ensures active growth and a good harvest of tomatoes.


Soil should be prepared 7 days before the expected day of transplanting tomatoes. To do this, the soil is watered with an infusion of bird droppings (1:20).

When planting, rotted manure (or compost) is placed in each hole – approximately the bayonet of a shovel. The manure should be mixed with the soil. This will protect the roots of tomatoes from possible burns.

Tomatoes are planted just at the time when nettles ripen. If the weed has taken root in the area, it can be used as a top dressing for tomatoes.

Nettle is an inexhaustible source of minerals and trace elements, necessary not only for tomatoes, but also for any other crops.

You need to put 5-6 small nettle leaves in each hole, then sprinkle them with earth and plant the tomato.

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Author: alex

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