What to replace salt with: new options instead of the usual seasoning

Salt is one of the most common spices. And while it shouldn't be a cause for concern in moderation, too much salt can cause high blood pressure and other health problems. Many people with chronic diseases are advised to reduce their salt intake. Instead, you can try some herbs, spices and other ingredients that will help add flavor and aroma to your favorite dish. The best options are in our material.


Garlic is a pungent spice that enhances flavor without increasing sodium content. You can reduce the amount of salt and at the same time add twice as much garlic to tomato sauces and marinades – it will turn out no worse. Garlic is great for soups and roasts. Moreover, garlic is very useful for health. Studies show that its consumption can boost immunity, lower blood pressure and improve brain health.

Lemon juice or zest

Citrus fruits, especially lemon juice and zest, are a great alternative to salt in some recipes. As a source of acid, lemon juice acts in the same way as salt, enhancing the flavor of the dish. At the same time, lemon zest gives dishes a pleasant citrus aroma. Lime and orange juice and peel also have these pleasant properties. Citrus juice can be poured over vegetables and used in salad dressings and marinades for meat and fish.

Ground black pepper

What to replace salt with: new options instead of the usual seasoning

Salt and pepper are a classic culinary duo. However, if you want to reduce your salt intake, just grab a pepper mill. Black pepper is a good addition to soups, roasts, pasta and other savory dishes. In addition, black pepper can reduce inflammation associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. You can also taste white pepper, mixed pepper, jalapeño pepper, chili pepper and cayenne pepper.

Dried onions

Like garlic, onions enhance the flavor of almost any spicy recipe. In particular, dried onions or onion powder are more effective than fresh onions and can be substituted for salt in stir-fries, soups, stews, sauces, and salsas. The taste of the dish will be spicy with a sweet note.

Balsamic vinegar

What to replace salt with: new options instead of the usual seasoning

Balsamic vinegar has a sharp, tart taste with a sweet aftertaste. It also enhances the natural flavor of food, minimizing the need for salt. Use balsamic vinegar in salad dressings, soups, stews, and marinades for meat and fish. If you heat it in a saucepan over low heat, you get an even more flavorful sauce that you can pour over fresh tomatoes or roasted vegetables.

Smoked Paprika

The smoky, spicy flavor of smoked paprika makes it a great alternative to salt. . Add it to meat, stew or fish. You can also use it in place of salsa, which is often high in sodium. Interestingly, this spice may have several health benefits. For example, studies have shown that eating paprika can slow the growth of cancer cells.


What to replace salt with: new options instead of the usual seasoning

Rosemary – a popular type of herbal spices, which is often used in the preparation of various dishes. Add fresh or dried rosemary to soups, stews, and roasts, as well as roasted vegetables, dressings, sauces, and breads.

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Author: alex

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