What to sprinkle seedlings to protect them from diseases: an excellent remedy

In the spring, summer residents devote a lot of time to growing seedlings. It is a natural desire of the gardener to obtain strong and healthy sprouts. If a certain condition is observed, there are good chances of obtaining a bountiful harvest.


How to protect seedlings from diseases? First of all, from fungal diseases.

It is strange, but you can do without chemicals. A product that is in the kitchen of every housewife will come to the rescue.

A lifesaver

With the participation of an excellent preventive agent, cinnamon powder does a great job.

It is enough to pour a little of it in pots with seedlings.

Cinnamon should be on the soil: right above the roots of the seedlings.

Using this powder will give two positive effects at once. Firstly, the probability that the sprouts will encounter fungal diseases will be minimal.

Secondly, cinnamon will be the source of a pleasant smell.

In addition, this powder can be used not only as a means of disease prevention. Cinnamon is often effective even if the disease has already become apparent.

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Author: alex

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