What tomatoes grow thick -skinned
Thick tomatoes nobody likes. They spoil the taste of salads, snacks, soups, so you have to treat the fruits to remove the peel. At the same time, not all summer residents are aware that they are guilty of raising such a harvest. Let's tell what the reason and how to deal with this misery. Basically, this drawback is manifested in the southern varieties. The skin is not just dense, but also solid. moisture.
2. As a result, the outer shell of the fetus is rough and becomes thick.
3. If the tomatoes grow in the greenhouse, it is very important to ventilate it on hot days. High air temperature leads to the same consequences.
in the open ground is not the best. In direct sunlight, they burn and are also forced to fight for the continuation of the kind. In addition, the direct hot sun can cause burns, so it is necessary to provide structures for sheltering plants from the heat. When marinated, the skin will not flake, but in fresh salads it will interfere.
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