What treats horseradish with honey
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in or near the garden can always be found horseradish. It does not need a lot, but one copy in the farm will not be superfluous. Horseradish is a very useful plant. And this is relevant for both the upper green part and the root. They are used in cooking and folk medicine. The late pre -winter season is best for this. Until the autumn, the plant accumulates nutrients in the highest concentration. Given the amount of B vitamins, regular use helps to improve memory and improve the functioning of the nervous system. It is also useful for:
- disorders of the stomach and pathological conditions of the intestine;
- urolithiasis; Aria-Level = “1”> Bronchial asthma.
How to use horseradish
Folk recipe is a horseradish with honey. The root should be rubbed and mixed with honey. On the basis of these ingredients, you need to prepare a useful mixture, which very well strengthens the immune system.
juice 3 lemons, 5 tbsp. carrot juice, 5 tbsp Hryin juice, 2 glasses of honey – mix everything and store in a dark place. The container should be closed with a lid. Take for 2 months 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
the agent strengthens the body's defenses. In the cold and cold season, it is valuable to have it without measures to the pharmacy. Try folk recipe. Remember that you need to consult your doctor if necessary if you have an individual intolerance of the components of the mixture.
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