What trick will fix the situation with candied jam

Every housewife regularly inspects her preparations to in case of problems, they could be quickly fixed. When cooking jam, you can carelessly make certain mistakes, as a result of which the treats become sugary.


There can be many reasons for problems. Beginner cooks have not yet perfected the technique of cooking and preparation, so they need to gain experience.

However, even skilled housewives can face a problem – poor-quality lids, because of which the jam itself spoils. It is also worth remembering that the blanks must be immediately sent to storage containers. If the jam waits too long for its time, then the probability of the appearance of excess sugar increases significantly.

How to fix the jam

First you need to take any pan and put it a wooden stand at the bottom. If there is none, then it is worth folding a kitchen towel in several layers.

We put the jar on this “podium”, remove the lid.

We pour cold water into the pot “up to the shoulder” of the jar. We turn on the stove, wait until it boils and reduce the fire to a minimum. Then watch how the sugar dissolves.

You should periodically stir the jam with a wooden spoon. This method is simple and effective.

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Author: alex

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