What vegetable is better to plant next to tomatoes
, productivity, health. So, as they begin a new gardening season, they are smart about planning the plot, trying to plant crops in such a way as to get the most out of their neighborhood.
This trick works and with tomatoes, which share the plot together with sugar beet very effectively.
In combination with this root crop, tomatoes achieve a new level of productivity. Summer residents who tried this option claim that the fruiting of tomatoes increased without the use of fertilizers.
Another amazing fact: sugar beet also gave an excellent response to the neighborhood with tomatoes. The root crop yielded much better than before, before the “coexistence” with tomatoes.
Plants are planted according to the following scheme: first a row of beets, then 2 rows of tomatoes, then again a row of beets and so on in a circle.
Experienced summer residents have been following this rule for more than the first season and are satisfied with the result. It is noteworthy that the harvest is increasing both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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