What violations can tin in ears can speak


tinnitus or Tinitus is a term used to describe ear noises that are usually audible only victims. It's not a disease, but a syndrome that can have many reasons, from stress to infections and hypertension.

Noise in the ears takes different forms: hum, hum, hissing, knocking, bell and more. The intensity with which sounds sound can also vary from barely noticeable to very loud. Some people with Tinitus suffer from dizziness, nausea and vomiting, deafness, sudden hearing loss, pressure in the ears, headaches. In most cases, painful ear noises are exclusively subjective, perceived only by the person itself.

doctors distinguish acute tinnitus – lasting no more than three months. Subactor – from three to twelve months. If tinnitus lasts for more than a year, it's chronic tinnitus.

In most cases, tinnitus is the result of overloading the ear, for example, after a loud concert. Permanent stay in headphones, too loud continuous sounds often cause tinnitus. Pressure, stress, sadness, concern,

  • Sudden hearing loss,
  • Orthopedic disorders in the temporal-mandibular joints or cervical spine,
  • otitis,
  • bone disease surrounding the inner ear (otosclerosis),
  • tumor in the ear (acoustic neuroma),
  • cardiovascular disease (hypertension),
  • metabolic diseases such as kidney disease or diabetes,
  • autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Infections such as shingles (shingles), lime disease or epidemic mumps,
  • side effect of some drug Stress -related, visit an otolaryngologist or therapist. The desired result may give the ears cleaning. Or will need a further examination.

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    Author: alex

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