What weight loss can be dangerous and requires examination by a doctor
If a person has lost weight by 5 kilograms in a year without changing his diet, this can be a dangerous signal of impaired health.
The therapist told in an interview that weight loss can be dangerous and requires a medical examination. The doctor explained that “a person who has lost up to five kilograms in a year with the usual diet should consult a doctor”. p>Oncological. The development of cancer, in addition to weight loss, is accompanied by weakness, attacks of fatigue. If there is no stress, which could also explain these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination.
Cardiovascular. In their case, weight may be maintained, but body volumes decrease, clothes begin to hang. Such a change can be explained by chronic heart failure. The therapist noticed that “lost kilograms are replaced by fluid retention, which compensates for the decrease in muscle and fat mass.”
Other diseases. Unexpected weight loss can also be associated with disorders in thyroid gland, rheumatoid arthritis, mental illnesses, drug addiction, added the expert.
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