What will happen if you eat almonds every day
If you know the measure, nuts will help you lose weight, make the skin smooth and hair-thick and shiny. – Here's what you get by having a snack one of the most popular nuts in the world. But there is also the downside. Slows aging and reduces the risk of serious illness
This effect is achieved by the high content of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals that damage molecules of organs and tissues (this process is called oxidative stress). Modern medicine believes that free radicals provoke accelerated aging, the development of internal chronic inflammations and such dangerous diseases as cancer, brain dysfunction, cardiovascular disorders. But most of them are in his brown skin.How many almonds you need to eat to get the optimal amount of antioxidants until it is installed. There are only single studies. For example, in one of them, conducted with the participation of 60 chicken men, scientists have found that about 80 grams of almonds per day reduce oxidative stress by 23-34%.
2. Almonds supports the smoothness and elasticity of the skin
almonds – one of the best sources of “vitamin of youth” of tocopherol (he is – vitamin E). Total 28 grams of nuts provide 37% of the recommended daily rate of this substance.
Vitamin E is simply indispensable for skin. It helps to resist the effects of the environment and prevents early wrinkles. And this element plays a key role in the production of collagen – the main building protein of the skin.
3. It helps control blood sugar
This bonus is responsible for magnesium, which in almonds is also enough. 50 grams of nuts provide about half the daily rate of this mineral.
magnesium is involved in more than 300 processes in the body. Including healthy blood sugar.
as statistics show, up to 38% of people with type 2 diabetes suffer from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium supplements with magnesium help them reduce blood glucose and increase insulin sensitivity. The role of bioatons is easily performed by almonds.
4. Reduces blood pressure
The disadvantage of the same magnesium is associated with the development of hypertension. If you take magnesium extra – at least in the form of nuts – it can reduce the pressure.
5. Almonds reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol
Cholesterol is different: “bad” (it is part of low density lipoproteins – LDL) and “good” (in the composition of high density lipoproteins – HDL). If “good” is needed, then “bad” is frankly dangerous: it seriously increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. The high level of LDL is indicated when its concentration in the blood exceeds 190 mg/dl. Almonds are able to reduce the risks.
As a 165 -week study with the participation of 65 people with pre -Diabet, the consumption of 50 grams of nuts has reduced the level of “bad” cholesterol daily by an average of 12.4 mg/DL. Another experience confirms this data. For those who ate about 40 grams of almonds daily, LDL decreased by 5.3 mg/dl. And they have lost their deposits in the abdomen – the most dangerous type of fat, visceral.
6. Helps control weight
Everyone knows that calorie nuts, and that's really. In 28 grams of almonds, which is only 14-15 nuclei, contains more than 160 kcal. But this caloric content is not related to the weight gain.
It is a matter of two factors. First, the part of the fat contained in the almonds is not absorbed: digestive enzymes are not given to it. Secondly, there is a lot of fiber in Goris: when it gets into the stomach, it swells and creates a feeling of satiety that lasts for a long time. A handful of almonds, that is, not very significant 160 calories, you can really eat. This reduces the risk of overeating.
Tip: To make fiber more accessible to the body, soak almonds in water at night. For example, that the use of nuts causes the body to consume more energy at rest. Those who eat almonds regularly lose weight easier and faster than others.
7. He makes hair more durable and shiny
Almonds contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary to improve the condition of hair. For example, Vitamin E makes the hair denser, accelerates its growth and even helps with different types of hair loss.
8. Almonds strengthens memory and improves brain state
There are many essential omega -3 fatty acids in Goris – in particular alpha -linolenova. In combination with omega-3 antioxidants, it takes care of brain health: improves memory, normalizes cognitive functions, protects from the development of all sorts of disorders of this depression. The following side effects appear.
1. Constipation
tissue, which is rich in almonds, sometimes leads to constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: bloating, stomach spasms, diarrhea. To prevent this from happening, make sure you drink enough water in addition to eaten nuts.
2. Deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium
phytic acid contained in almonds – a useful antioxidant. But it also has a side effect: it binds iron, zinc and calcium and does not allow them to be absorbed. As a result, the body may not receive data from the minerals.
to reduce the risks, use almonds as an independent snack between meals. Then the nut will not have a negative effect on the absorption of nutrients.
3. Weight gain
Almonds help control weight. But if you use it more than a handful or two a day, and still combine with calories and low physical activity, weight gain is inevitable.
4. Allergies
some proteins contained in almonds (such as Amandine), WHO has included a list of potential food allergens. This means that people who are prone to allergic reactions should be careful.
The use of almonds can provoke reactions that affect the oral cavity: itching in the mouth and throat, swelling of the tongue, mouth and lips. In some cases, it even leads to a deadly anaphylactic shock.
5. Kidney stones
is rich in oxalate – oxalic acid salts that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, these oxalates, in the scientific language, have high bioavailability: the body absorbs them almost completely.
if you have any problems with the kidneys, limit the use of almonds. And if possible, consult with your doctor.
6. Poisoning
in almond contains hydrocyanic acid. In bitter it is 40 times larger than in sweet. But ordinary sweet varieties carry a certain risk. Pregnant and nursing almonds should be abandoned at all. It is important not to all abuse the nut: to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm, you will have enough almonds per day.
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