What will happen if you eat oatmeal every day?

For some, oatmeal is a favorite option for breakfast, for others it is the most hated product in the world. It may not be to everyone's taste, the benefits of oatmeal cannot be denied. Cereal has a high content of slow carbohydrates and fiber, which makes it an ideal option for breakfast: energy and a feeling of satiety will not be exhausted for at least half a day, saving you from the need for a snack. In addition, oatmeal is quite high in protein, vitamins, and minerals (such as manganese, magnesium, zinc, and several B vitamins). These elements not only saturate the body with everything necessary, but also contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Main benefits

Helps control sugar levels

Elevated glucose is a problem for most modern people, which can later lead to the development of various chronic diseases. Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber and resistant starch. These substances are slowly absorbed, which helps prevent sudden sugar spikes.

Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract

Oats are rich in fiber and prebiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. tract They support a healthy microbiome, which ensures the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the prevention of various diseases.

Supports heart health

With regular use, whole oats can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, prevent clogging of blood vessels and improve blood flow. In addition, the active substances in the composition of groats strengthen the heart muscle and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Contributes to weight loss

First of all, weight loss is facilitated by a lack of calories, and oatmeal facilitates the process of its creation. Rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates, oat groats satiate the feeling of hunger for a long time, which allows you not to snack or overeat. A plate of oatmeal for breakfast will provide you with energy for half a day, which will save you from consuming extra calories.

Which oatmeal is the most useful

What will happen if you eat oatmeal every day

Like any grain, oatmeal retains most of its beneficial properties with minimal processing. Crushed oats are in the first place in terms of usefulness. This is a less popular, but much healthier type of oatmeal. Finely sharpened steel blades are used to process whole grains, which allow you to grind the grain without damaging its most useful parts – bran and sprouts. Such groats are called crushed or Scottish (for the first time this processing method was used there) oats. It doesn't taste much different from our usual oatmeal, except that it takes twice as long to cook.

Ordinary oatmeal isn't the worst option either: They are easier to find in stores and easier to prepare. The main thing is to forget about instant oatmeal. In order for the porridge to be ready for consumption after two minutes of boiling in boiling water, the oats are subjected to multi-stage processing, losing almost all useful properties in the process. In addition, “quick” oatmeal always has a lot of added sugar, dyes, and preservatives. After such a breakfast, you will want to eat literally in an hour, which will significantly increase the risk of overeating and gaining weight.

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Author: alex

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