What will happen to the body if plant food prevails in the diet

You should switch to a plant-based diet not only for the sake of the planet, but also for your own health. Such a diet improves health, helps to preserve youth and maintain good health. Eating plenty of vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can help you lose weight, normalize blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. If you are not ready to completely give up meat – no problem. A plant-based diet is suitable for everyone, regardless of the type of diet. For those who are not ready for radical changes, nutritionists simply recommend increasing the amount of plant foods and reducing the amount of animal protein, without giving it up completely.

What is the benefit?

1 . Improvement of digestion

Plant foods contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, and prebiotics, which ensure a healthy intestinal microflora. Beneficial bacteria in the intestines are responsible not only for the proper functioning of this organ, but also for many other things: from immunity to mental health.

2. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases

There are many studies that point to the ability of a plant-based diet to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer. Vitamins and trace elements contained in plant foods can reduce insulin resistance, the high level of which provokes a number of diseases.

What will happen to the body if plant food predominates in the diet

3. Heart health

Eating a lot of plant foods helps reduce the risk of heart attack and strengthen the heart muscle. Vegetables, legumes and oats are rich in fiber, which will be the best friend of anyone watching their cholesterol. Add more antioxidant-rich fruits to your diet, and don't forget the unsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

4. Good vision

Antioxidants contained in fruits and leafy greens will help here again. These substances contribute to maintaining good vision and reduce the risk of cataracts.

5. Weight loss

Studies show that a plant-based diet promotes weight loss and reduces the risk of obesity. The high content of fiber and water in vegetable products accelerates metabolism. Refusal of harmful and high-calorie foods in favor of vegetable ones is the key to a good figure and excellent well-being.

Despite all the advantages of a plant-based diet, many are still convinced that such a diet cannot be complete and the body will not receive the necessary elements.

What will be with the body, if the diet is dominated by plant food

Here are a few points that should be taken into account in order to make a balanced plant-based diet:

  • Make vegetables your main dish, not a humble side dish. Make sure at least half of your plate is filled with vegetables of various colors (they contain a whole range of vitamins and antioxidants).
  • Add more plant-based protein to your diet. Many people worry that a plant-based diet lacks protein. In fact, some plant-based products contain as much protein as chicken breast. The best plant-based sources of protein are legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans, mung beans), nuts, seeds, and quinoa.
  • Keep a supply of vegetables and fruits in the freezer. This will not only help to better preserve all their useful properties, but will also be a great solution in the cold season.

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Author: alex

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